In Dubai, how to renew or extend a tourist visa

In Dubai, how to renew or extend a tourist visa

There are many tourists in Dubai. People visit the city from all over the world for a variety of reasons. To accommodate such travelers, Dubai offers a variety of tourist visas kinds. Those who are eligible for visa-free entry into the UAE must get a tourist visa. Airlines, accommodation facilities, and occasionally even travel firms will help you get a tourist visa.

Recent changes to the UAE’s visa regulations for tourists now allow them to double up on their visa extensions without ever leaving the country. Here is the information you need to know about tourist visa extensions in Dubai if you are a visitor.

Procedure for Tourist Visa Extension in Dubai

The process for extending a tourist visa for Dubai is quite simple.

How to Apply for a Tourist Visa Extension in Dubai?

Here is how to apply for a tourist visa extension in Dubai:


Federal Authority for Identity & Citizenship

Documents Required for Visa Renewal in Dubai

In order to renew your visa, you will need to submit:

Dubai Tourist Visa Extension Fee

You will have to pay AED 600 during each time of renewal.

Dubai Tourist Visa Extension Grace Period

Overstayers who were unable to renew their tourist visas would be fined AED 100 for each additional day they were in the country illegally. The number of days will be determined starting 10 days following the expiration of the visa.

Exemption for Tourist Visa Extension in Dubai

There is one tourist in Dubai who is an exception. They are not required to conform to the extension’s rules that others must obey. These consist of:

Also Read: Would you like to extend your tourist visa in the UAE? You can find all the information you need here

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