A fine of up to Dh1 million has been announced for overcrowded apartments and villas in the UAE

A fine of up to Dh1 million has been announced for overcrowded apartments and villas in the UAE

The “Your home, your responsibility” campaign was introduced by Abu Dhabi’s Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT) on Thursday in an effort to reduce domestic overcrowding.

Violators may be penalized up to Dh1 million as part of the inspection campaigns, starting in the first quarter of 2023. In accordance with Law No. 8 of 2019, a residential unit is judged to be overcrowded if it is occupied in a way that is excessive given its size and amenities.

The initiative, which was started in cooperation with the Abu Dhabi Civil Defense Authority, aims to safeguard residents from the negative impacts of crowding in order to raise the emirate’s standard of living.

It asked everyone—citizens, landlords, and businesses—to follow the rule by setting a cap on the number of occupants per residential unit and putting staff in separate neighborhoods from families designated for them.

Inspection campaigns will be conducted by the inspectors of the three municipalities of the Emirate.


In accordance with a discount published by the Department of Municipalities and Transport, violators will only be required to pay 75% of the total administrative fine stipulated for the infraction if it is paid within 60 days after the settlement option’s date.

The perpetrator may also submit a grievance request using the Tamm platform within a week of the claimed violation thanks to a grievance procedure that DMT has established.

DMT continued by saying that it would make sure to take humanitarian issues into account when enforcing the law.

It emphasized the value of residents reporting overcrowding as part of their civic duty and obligation. These fundamental lease guidelines must be followed by owners, investors, and tenants, otherwise, there will be repercussions for any violations.

According to the authority, residents can report cases of overcrowding and other violations of the occupancy legislation by calling the municipal agencies at 800555.

The distortion of the city’s image, the absence of security and safety regulations, and the general cleanliness of homes would all be lessened, it was underlined, due to the awareness campaign.

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