The UAE emerges as the third most trusted country in four sectors worldwide

The UAE emerges as the third most trusted country in four sectors worldwide

According to the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer, the UAE has reemerged as one of the world’s most trusted countries. The country is ranked as the third-most-trusted in the world, and significant levels of trust have been observed in all four institutions, according to index measurements of trust in business, NGOs, government, and the media.

With 86% of the vote, the government once again came out on top as the most dependable institution, closely followed by business with 78%. Comparatively, the only internationally dependable institution is business.

According to the report, which surveyed 32,000 people in 28 different countries, there is unwavering trust in the UAE despite widespread problems like conflict, food insecurity, and climate change that have polarised society.

This high level of trust in the UAE is a result of respondents’ opinion of the government, private sector, and non-governmental organizations as ethical and effective.

As a result, the UAE is ranked highly for economic optimism; 72% of respondents think their financial situation will improve in five years, compared to 40% globally and a 10-point fall from 2022 who say the same about themselves and their family.

Furthermore, a sense of cohesion and unity has been facilitated by great trust in UAE institutions, whereas other countries have experienced entrenched polarisation and a weakened social fabric, primarily as a result of mistrust of governments, a lack of a shared identity, and systematic inequity.

Omar Qirem, CEO, Edelman Middle East, said: that economic optimism continues to decline on a global level, with 24 out of 28 countries in our study recording all-time lows and 53 percent of respondents globally saying that their countries are more divided today than in the past. “Despite this cycle of distrust fuelling polarisation worldwide, the UAE bucks this trend yet again, emerging as a highly unified country in the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer report.”

“UAE’s clear long-term social and economic policies have seen the country become one of the most popular and sought-after destinations in the world, attracting ex-pats, businesses, and tourists while preserving the country’s unique cultural heritage and identity,” said Qirem.

“As trust continues to maintain high levels in the UAE, Businesses and CEOs are expected to take a public stand on societal issues including climate change, discrimination, wealth gap, and treatment of employees. Businesses and governments together can play an integral role in delivering results that push us toward a more just, secure, and thriving society,” he added.

Four other sectors UAE excels in:

The Power of Brands Creates a Shared Identity: As many as 75 percent of respondents believe that brands have the power to celebrate common interests and strengthen the social fabric.

In the United Arab Emirates, all four institutions are recognized as trustworthy information sources, with government information sources being the most trustworthy.

Experts are trusted: Experts and leaders are respected and trusted, including CEOs (68%), scientists (84%), and journalists (61%).

CEOs are anticipated to take action: Nearly 79% of respondents anticipate that CEOs will speak out about global issues like climate change, and 84% anticipate that leaders would defend diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI).

The company’s 23rd annual trust and credibility survey is called the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer. The study was done between November 1 and November 28, 2022, and it was prepared by the Edelman Trust Institute.

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