Dubai’s driverless taxi service

Dubai's driverless taxi service

Driving through Dubai’s Jumeirah neighborhood, you may soon notice a car that seems a little different: a hatchback with several cameras mounted on the roof. The Cruise automated vehicle will make its commercial debut on Dubai’s roads in the following year, according to the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) of Dubai.

In April of last year, RTA and Cruise struck a contract to supply Dubai with 4,000 Robo-taxis.

By the end of 2023, the service is anticipated to be offered for sale. They are currently developing the digital infrastructure needed to run the vehicle. They, therefore, began creating digital maps. For several regions of the city, like Jumeirah 1, the maps have already been constructed.

The testing of the vehicles is currently underway and will soon follow. Before the year is out, they will witness these vehicles being used for testing on the roads of Dubai. The groundwork for the commercial debut will continue up until next year.

The service is meant to be available commercially by the end of 2023.

What to know if you are hailing a driverless taxi?

What steps must you take if you do decide to use the driverless cab when it is introduced:

The procedure will be quite similar to using a smartphone app to get a taxi.

The experience will be similar to an “e-hail” service, thus it will be done through an app like what users of Careem and Uber are used to.

The following steps can be completed online:

– Book the taxi

– Set the destination

– Pay for your trip at the end.

There will be a comprehensive awareness programme, and they will instruct individuals on how to interact with other road users and vehicle in specific situations. However, the process will be seamless, and customers will essentially receive the same level of service as they do now with driver-based vehicles.

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