Citizens, residents of the UAE can register COVID-19 vaccines taken outside the country

Citizens, residents of the UAE can register COVID-19 vaccines taken outside the country

If you are a UAE national or resident who has received the COVID-19 vaccine outside the UAE, you may be wondering how you can register it on Al Hosn – the UAE’s official vaccine registry app.

Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre (ADPHC) has issued guidelines for registering vaccines received outside the UAE on Al Hosn App.

Which vaccines are approved?

The first step is to ensure that the vaccine is approved by the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) and the World Health Organization (WHO). These are:

Also, the vaccine must be taken after October 1, 2020, according to the announcement by ADPHC.

What should the vaccine certificate mention?

The vaccine certificate should include the following information:

How to register the vaccine

Consult with an authorized medical center in Abu Dhabi if you meet all the guidelines listed above.

Call to schedule an appointment

  1. Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (Seha) at 800 50
  2. You can reach Mubadala Healthcare at 800 49559.

A report requesting authorization from the center will be submitted when the vaccine is registered.

Are there any benefits to registering your vaccine?

After getting a PCR [Polymerase Chain Reaction] test, you can enjoy a longer ‘Green status’ – for 30 days – on the Al Hosn app if you are fully vaccinated. If you wish to enter the following places in Abu Dhabi, you need a Green Status on the Al Hosn app:

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